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Fully Customized Online Banking Script – Download Margon v7.2 Bank php Script

on March 11, 2021

Margon v7-2 Online Banking Script is a fully customized bank web application that handles banking transactions where user can transfer money to other users and can have a close watch on all their transactions. . The script package contains: A Responsible Banking Home Page – An Admin Portal (This controls and monitors the website).

The most interesting thing about the coding behind this Margon Bank is that it is very simple and easy to use. It is developed in such way that can ACTIVATE and DEACTIVATE transaction codes for transfer like: COT,ATC,IMF,TAX etc.

This script was built in a way you can easily add any types of template to the front end, all that is required is little HTML knowledge or WordPress for those that love WordPress Theme.

Features of Margon v7.2 Bank Script

Enrollment noticification on sms and email
Automatic debit after transaction
Credit email alert and sms
Debit email alert and sms
Admin can edit, delete, suspend account
Admin must approve account before login
Client can enroll from front end
Developer ICT Consultant: ok
Functional account statement
Admin can generate cot and tax code
SMS Alert (Send to all country)
Fund transfer by admin and customers
Auto email notification and verification
Easy customers registration
Secured fund transfer by the customer with pin
Customers transaction history
And Lots More…

These Are Some of the Few Features of the Bank Script, there are a lot more that wasn’t mentioned here. Watch Margon v7.2 bank script Demo Video Below

Live Demo Login Detail:



ACC: 1234
Pass. demo
Pin: 1234



User: admin@admin.com
Pass: password

Use the Whatsapp Button or Contact Support Through live chat to Download Margon Bank Script

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