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Bitmine v7.0 – Largest Secured Bitcoin Mining Platform

by Codewebmasterin , , on October 1, 2020

BITMINE v7.0 is a complete Bitcoin Mining PHP Script made with Laravel Framework. its Built to be beautiful, fast, secure and powerful. Bitmine comes with minimum banking features like auto deposit (block.io, coinpayment, blockchain, coingate), automated mining without cronjob, sharing bitcoin, referral bonus and more. its easy to install our system within 5 minutes without any technical knowledge.


User features

  • Cross browser optimised design
  • Easy Signup/login
  • Secure dashboard
  • Sharing bitcoin
  • Bitcoin mining
  • Multiple deposit methods
  • Account setting
  • Withdrawal
  • Kyc verification
  • Transfer pin
  • more…

Admin features

  • Blog management
  • Faq management
  • Webpages management
  • Interface control
  • Social links
  • Privacy policy
  • Terms & conditions
  • Mining management
  • Withdrawal management
  • Email settings
  • SMS settings
  • Basic settings
  • Messages
  • User management
  • Transfer & referral management
  • Deposit management
  • more…

PHP >= 7.0
OpenSSL PHP Extension
PDO PHP Extension
Mbstring PHP Extension
Tokenizer PHP Extension
GMP PHP Extension
XML PHP Extension
file_get_contents enabled
file_put_contents enabled

Script Comes With:

Excellent support with a fast response rate.

Fix any bugs or broken content.

Help get you setup and installed!

Secure Database that uses prepared statements so no SQL Injection!

Protects against CSRF attacks!

HTML Filter to protect against XSS attacks!

Built using the latest Strong LARAVEL Framework.

Passwords are encrypted By bcrypt encryption.

You should need GMP Extension to run it.

Demo Urls

Frontend: click to view

Admin Access: Click to preview

Admin Login: Username: admin || Password: 1234

User Access: Click to Preview

User Login:Email: user@test.com || Password: junejune

To get Bitmine update, download our latest controller files, extract to core/app/http/directory and delete controller folder.

  • Favicon issue fixed
  • Upgrade account
  • 2fa security
  • Mining bonus
  • User dashboard ui fixes
  • Paypal, stripe, vogue pay, perfect money has been integerated

Release Information

  • Price


  • Last Updated

    September 4, 2021

  • File Included

    PHP Files, CSS Files, JS Files

  • Version

    PHP 7.x, PHP 5.3, PHP 5.4, PHP 5.5, PHP 5.6, MySQL 5.x

  • Documentation

    Well Documented

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