Complete All in one Forex Trading, Crypto Trading Platform, Exchanges, Kyc, ChartingLibrary, Wallets, Binary Trading, news – Bicrypto
on February 15, 2023Are you searching for a Real Time binary option and forex trading script that delivers real time market information to client. Bicryto is a complete crypto trading platform, exchanges, kyc, charting library, wallets, binary yrading, news. its called all in one broker becasuse it perform multiple task. All in one forex investment script that is responsive, functional and perfect for any of your broker website, With this forex trading script you don’t need to have knowledge on website coding thou is complex because it works only on VPS server. It is browser based web application, you can customization your homepage upload the script and connect your internet to upload on live VPS Hosting server to enable people from different part of the world participate and invest with your broker.
Below are requirement of running this Forex investment script
>A Knowledge in running a server or any hosting with ssh and root access
>A Knowledge in copy and paste codes we add-in update description
Having time to read the documentationPHP 8.1
>PHP extensions: php-memcache php-pear php-imagick php-gmp php8.1-cgi php8.1-mysql php8.1-curl php8.1-gd php-gd php8.1-imap php8.1-tidy php8.1-xmlrpc php8.1-xsl php8.1-mbstring php8.1-zip php8.1-cli php8.1-bcmath php-bcmath php8.1-gmp php-curl php8.1-fpm
Composer +2
>Server with SSH that has Permissions, not shared server without any permissions
>VPS at least 4GB Ram to be able to excute orders smoothly
>VPS at least 100GB Storage
Bicrypto gives you countless benefits when is time to setup you’re own broker company online. First, this is one of the first trading script that is not based on obsolete technologies such as java or Flash, it is a well-crafted laravel and php script that can easily customized by anyone and use without any disappointment. This leading binary and forex investment script is designed for those that specialized in building or managing bitcoin binary investment platform, for trading startups.