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DigitalInvest v7.4 | Advanced Bitcoin Investment Platform in Php | Codewebmaster

by Codewebmaster in , , , on November 28, 2022

Grab new DigitalInvest v7.4 Bitcoin investment script, which is an ultimate solution for managing your Bitcoin Investment Platform. With DigitalInvest v7.4, you can set up your investment platform with an hours without programing knowledge. At it provide most powerful setting panel, where from you can manage every settings very easily.

Digitalinvest v7.4 Demo URL & Login Details

User url: https://digitalglobaltrade.net/u/login

Username/Email : laskyrichard2@gmail.com

Password: 1234567

DigitalInvest v7.4 supports major & most popular cryptocurrencies (BTC, ETH, BNB, USDT, USDC and more) and fiat currencies (USD, EUR, TRY, RUB, INR and more) that gives flexibility to your investors to deposit and invest their fund. You can easily manage which currency will be accepted or not. Also you can be set system as base currency.

DigitalInvest v7.4 is very easy to use and install in any cpanel of your choice supporting the php version of the script. quickly download and advance your trading/investment experience.

Release Information

  • Price


  • Last Updated

    December 24, 2022

  • File Included

    Javascript JS, CSS, PHP, SQL,Laravel,Boostrap

  • Version

    PHP 7.4, PHP 5.5, MySQL 4.x, MySQL 5.x

  • Documentation

    Well Documented

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