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ERC20Drainer – Automated Web3 Crypto Wallet Drainer Script – Exclusive Crypto Drainer Smart Contract

by Codewebmaster in , , , on February 9, 2024

ERC20 Drainer is an Automated Web3 Crypto Drainers leverage the use of smart contracts to drain crypto tokens from wallets and liquidity pools on DeFi platforms and injected web3 wallets like MetaMask, Trust Wallet and Wallet Connect. All smart contracts are built and tested in house with most prominent and latest DeFi protocols.

Crypto wallet drainer smart contract requests target’s inject web3 wallet permissions to access Crypto tokens held within their wallets. Once the user signs the transaction the crypto drainer smart contract receives permission to transfer tokens to its self. All the Crypto tokens are stored within the contract and can transferred to the deployer’s address or any address defined in the smart contract. Crypto wallet drainer can also target for certain Crypto only like Binance, Trust wallet, Coinbase etc and crypto tokens like ETH, BNB, USDT, SHIB, BUSD etc. as configure within the smart contract.


In brief form, it more advisable for someone that knows fully well how it function to get the app.

This application is build with Nod Js, and it web base application. Honestly, no technical knowledge is required to run this app which means, you don’t have to be a web developer before you can make use of it.

It’s recommended to host with hostinger server, and required to edit wallet address in setting.js from the local host before uploading to live server. When user want to connect wallet they only need to click CONNECT WALLET button.

It will automatically take them to available wallet like TrustWallet, Coinbase or anyone of choice. After selecting the specific wallet, It will automatically ask the user to link wallet ( this process is automatic).

Once the user put wallet password the process of draining will begin, which require up to $30 balance and above to cover the gas fee.

If the user have $30,000 and authenticate wallet, the wallet can be drain and transfer to external wallet added in setting.js.

Contact us for demo and testing running

Release Information

  • Price


  • Last Updated

    March 8, 2025

  • Version

    PHP 8.x, PHP 7.x, MySQL 8.x, MySQL 5.x

  • Documentation

    Well Documented

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