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Codewebmaster Refund Policy

At Codewebmaster, we always try to make our customers satisfied with our item they’ve purchased from us. If you’re having trouble with our product or believe it is defective or you’re feeling frustrated, then please email us: support@Codewebmaster.com to report your defective script and our team will assist you as soon as possible. For damaged Script or template, we will ask you Base URL (where you install our system), and a screenshot of the issue to be sent to our support service.

No refunds will be offered for digital products except if the product you’ve purchased is:

  • Product is completely non-functional.
  • Product description was fully misleading.
  • Asked for Support and didn’t get any response in Three business day.

– then you do have the option to request a refund.

We also reserve the right to refuse a refund in the following situations:

  • It has expired more than 3 days after purchase and you even didn’t add at least one ticket to our support with a real issue.
  • Promotional Item / Discount Item / Bundle Offer items are non-refundable.
  • You have changed your mind about an item.
  • You bought an item by mistake and the item was downloaded by you.
  • The item was bought by your employee or friends from your account which he/she had legal access.
  • You refused to provide to our support staff access to your website or cPanel access to investigate our product you are having an issue with.

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