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Bankiapro v7.3- A COT, TAX, IMF & TELEX Enabled Online Banking PHP Script For International Transfers

by Codewebmaster in , , , , on October 21, 2020

A COT, TAX, IMF Code and Telex enabled online banking php script web application that ensures a registered user to enjoy banking online. This Online Banking script is a web application where user can transfer money to other users and can have a close watch on all their transactions.

Bankia Pro V7.3 source code is developed in php, css, html, JavaScript, and mysql database. This is a complete online banking portal that provides a kind of real banking services that gives you complete control over all your banking demands online. This project was initially developed for an undergraduate school project, but over time, other banking features had been added base on student demands. It is now suitable for postgraduate level.

The most interesting thing about the coding behind this Bankia Pro V7.3 is that it is well simplified; we used the HTML and PHP comment syntax almost all the lines of code for easy understanding. So it is not just about viewing the codes but understanding the whole instructions and being able to customize  it.

This script was built in a way you can easily add any types of template to the front end, all that is required is little HTML knowledge or WordPress for those that love WordPress Theme.

Banka  is an online banking script project in PHP which you can download and extract to any cpanel of your choice.

Please note that this script is for academic and personal training on web development only, we will not be held responsible for any damage or abuse of this script in any way.

Features of Bankia Pro V7.3

  1. Embedded Billing Codes (COT, TAX, IMF, ATC)
  2. Transaction Modals (Animated)
  3. admin can make transaction pending, success, review or on-hold
  4. Admin can Edit or Delete Billing Codes
  5. Upgraded HTML Email Template
  6. Analyzed Email content
  7. Functional OTP (email and SMS)
  8. PHP Session (multiple pages)
  9. 100% Responsive Admin template
  10. Transactions can be pending, success, review or mark as fraud
  11. admin can change or delete cot, tax, imf, atc  and telex codes
  12. admin can view all transaction details of a customer
  13. admin can register unlimited customers
  14. admin can credit and debit users
  15. same bank transfer, wire, local and telex transfer method
  16. admin can send notifications to customers dashboard

Bankia Pro v7.3 Online Banking Script DEMO Below…


Account Number : 6808783193

Password: 12345678

pin:  1234

Transfer Billing

COT: 1111

TAX: 2222

IMF: 3333

ATC: 4444

Telex Approval Code: 5555

Admin panel: codewebmasterbankiaproadmin

Username: admin

Password: Contact support


Enrollment notification on sms and email
Otp sms and email
Local, wire, same bank and telex transfer
Login alert email
Automatic debit after transaction

Pending or Success Transaction
Credit email alert and sms
Debit email alert and sms
Admin can edit, delete, suspend account
Admin must approve account before login
Client can enroll from front end
Functional account statement
Credit card menu
Cot code
Loan application
Change password
Change pin
Admin can generate cot and tax code
SMS Alert (Send to all country)

A new user needs to verify his email id once before logging in to Bankia Pro V7.3.
Also when a registered user adds another user as his beneficiary, he gets a verification mail. And, he has to verify the beneficiary before making any transactions.
Supports unlimited currencies
Admin direct email to customers
Fund transfer by admin and customers
Auto email notification and verification
Easy customers registration
Unlimited customers
Secured fund transfer by the customer with pin
Customers transaction history
Customers image
Customers scan ID card
Customers account upgrade
Customers card request
Mobile responsive interface
Admin Login pages are hidden from customer for security purpose.
Passwords are stored as encrypted hashes with an additional random salt for added security.
Details of Online Banking System

Languages: HTML, PHP, MYSQL, JavaScript, JQUERY and CSS

Database Location Folder: public_html/banka.sql

Download Type: Zip file

PHP Version: 7.3+

Download Size: 14MB

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Release Information

  • Price


  • Last Updated

    February 9, 2024

  • File Included

    Javascript JS, CSS, PHP, SQL

  • Version

    PHP 7.x, PHP 5.3, PHP 5.4, PHP 5.5, PHP 5.6, MySQL 5.x

  • Documentation

    Well Documented

zortilo nrel at 12:05 AM

Enjoyed studying this, very good stuff, appreciate it.


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