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Barclaystrade v8.1 | Professional Forex Investment & Stocks Trading Php Script

by Codewebmaster in , on December 8, 2022

BarclaysTrade v8.1 is professional forex investment script & trading platform that allows users to trade on real Forex/ stocks and crypto pairs just like other top broker platform.

This system trading data is supplied through an API from alphavantage.co, which provides real-time chart data and price data for trading as well.

So as a professional trader, BarclaysTrade is your No 1 solution for creating an Forex trading management or pool trading platform, and multiple account management (MAM) platform

The most amazing thing about this script is not only the professional design, the chart and asset prices are real for each pair. script for forex trading

The users will see a normal “candlestick chart” for any pair they want to trade on. They will view their trade live for each active order (buy or sell). Their profit/ loss, as well as equity, is calculated in real-time. This platform is built with PHP and JavaScript (no frameworks).

Barclays Trade Demo Url & Details

Test Before buying

Username: admin@example.com
Password: 12345
Username: tester@barcfst.com
Password: 12345

It has a well documented user manual guilds for installation and other website management. It uses MySQL for a database. Note that you can get a premium API key from https://alphavantage.co to unlock all pairs.

BarclaysTrade makes it easy for you to run your own Forex Trading Platform system within minutes

Release Information

  • Price


  • Last Updated

    December 25, 2022

  • File Included

    Javascript JS, CSS, PHP, SQL

  • Version

    PHP 8.1, PHP 5.5, MySQL 4.x, MySQL 5.x

  • Documentation

    Well Documented

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